

Natural & Holistic Healthcare by Dr. Marnie


Dr. Marnie offers an array of treatments & modalities to provide you with exceptional naturopathic and holistic health care.

In addition to naturopathic treatments, we also offer Lab Services.

Browse the services below and click a heading to see additional services. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

You are also welcome to book an appointment online.


Reproductive Health


Uterine Health & Hormonal Dysfunction


Autoimmune Thyroid Disease


Athletic Optimization


Physical Therapy



ADHD/ADD Diagnosis & Treatment


Neurotransmitter Testing

Female doctor doing genetic testing

Mood Balancing

Woman Smiling in Sunshine



Vitamins, Injections & B12 Deficiency


Nutritional Counselling & Gastrointestinal Care





If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us