

Bowen therapist calgary

Bowen Therapy Calgary

08 Feb 2013, by Dr. Marnie Wachtler in Health Information

What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy is a technique developed in Australia by the late Thomas A. Bowen.  It is a form of soft tissue manipulation that has been used all over the world since it’s development in the 1950’s to treatment acute sports injuries and pain through to chronic asthma & allergies.  Bowen Therapy involves gentle moves over the muscles, nerves and tendons to stimulate the body and help it to heal. These moves help to stimulate the nervous system to return to a state of rest and relaxation, which is where it can heal and repair damage from injury or everyday stress.

What can Bowen Therapy be used to treat?

As listed by The Bowen College:

  • Musculo-Skeletal Problems: sporting injuries, shin splints, knee and hip restriction, strain injuries, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, scoliosis, etc.
  • Respiratory Problems: asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies, hay fever, etc.
  • Digestive Problems: constipation, colic, Chrohn’s Disease, indigestion, bowel problems, etc.
  • Gynecological Problems: infertility, mastitis, breast lumps, PMS
  • Other Conditions: chronic fatigue syndrome, balance problems, tinnitus, earache, hemorrhoids, prostatic problems, etc.

What to Expect in a Treatment?

Bowen Therapy is a very gentle technique. The first visit is often the longest, as there is a short intake to understand your current health status and then work on the entire body. Subsequent visits are tailored to specific concerns and can vary more in length. Prepare for a visit similar to how you would prepare for a massage, your comfort during the treatment is very important. The Bowen moves will be done in sets, with short pauses in between sets for the body to have time to respond. After the sets are completed, you will be asked to stand with both feet on the floor at the same time to ensure that you maintain muscular balance from the therapy and then move around in a way to gently stretch your muscles and limbs.

What to do After a Treatment?

After a treatment it is very important to drink a lot of water. Water is a key piece to health and helps make sure that everything is working properly. Other tips for after a treatment are to move around every so often and avoid crossing your arms or legs to make sure you don’t return to old habits where certain muscles are out of balance. When combining Bowen with other therapies, try not to overload yourself and cause too much stimulation to your muscles or body as it might make both therapies less effective.

For more information visit The Bowen College Website or ask your Bowen Therapist

If you’re looking for Bowen Therapy in Calgary, book an appointment with Dr. Marnie Wachtler today.